our mission
We are a dance studio located at Benedictine College in Atchison, Kansas. The instructors are all Raven Dance Team members who want to share their passion for dance. Our program offers affordable classes to a variety of age groups and provides students with an enjoyable and rewarding experience. Classes are conducted in a professional manner and reflect the values of Benedictine College.
Spring Semester Classes
Classes start back up for the spring semester on January 20th! We’re excited to see our dancers back in the studio! To find more information about our classes, schedule, tuition, and dress code, click the link below!
Spring Recital
Our 2025 Spring Recital will be held on April 12 at 12pm in the O’Malley McCallister theater at Benedictine College. The theme is “Oh the Places We Will Dance!” If you have any questions, please contact Paige at (402) 380-0226 or ravendance@benedictine.edu.
Latest News
We have a new Director and Assistant Director for the 2024-2025 season! Check out our blog to see our latest studio news.